I have always loved the holidays. I am especially excited to share Christmas with Gus and Jack. In the fine tradition of wearing sweaters at Christmas time, here they are in their "nice guy" sweaters.
The presents are nice, but the very best part of this Christmas, the part that makes it magical, is that we get to spend it with family. We will have four celebrations this year, with various branches of our extended families. I am beyond thankful to be in a place in my life where this is possible.

Last Christmas we lived in Las Vegas. I was on bed rest, restricted to the couch or bed, doing my level best to keep my babies on the inside, fighting preterm labor with every resource available to me. I had to miss Christmas Eve mass, but got to visit the Labor and Delivery floor-- again-- with contractions. It turns out I was dehydrated, and got discharged fairly quickly this time, but not without four needle sticks before the IV needle actually slid home.
We will be at Grammy and Grampy's house on Christmas day this year. I don't know exactly what will happen, but I know I will be with family, including my two precious boys.
And that is the greatest gift I could ever hope to receive.
I hope you and your family have a very happy and merry christmas :)